सोमवार, 19 जुलाई 2021

WTO | Understanding the WTO - Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards: contingencies, etc

WTO | Understanding the WTO - Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards: contingencies, etc: Binding tariffs, and applying them equally to all trading partners (most-favoured-nation treatment, or MFN) are key to the smooth flow of trade in goods. The WTO agreements uphold the principles, but they also allow exceptions — in some circumstances.

रविवार, 11 जुलाई 2021

शनिवार, 5 जून 2021

बुधवार, 3 मार्च 2021

सोमवार, 8 फ़रवरी 2021

Gitcoin Year in Review - Gitcoin's Blog

Gitcoin Year in Review - Gitcoin's Blog

Saying that 2020 has been a chaotic year would be an understatement, but it’s also been a year of hope for creators and for the open internet. With so many of us in the Gitcoin community stuck at home, we’ve started to see real potential for a future where anyone can work with people they love, on projects they care about, for currencies that align with their values. The pandemic hasn’t stopped us, and in some cases it’s enabled more creativity.As always with Gitcoin, the year was full of experiments, some successful and some not. We’re proud of what we accomplished and excited to take what we learned into 2021.

सोमवार, 18 जनवरी 2021

Process Mining: Your Compass For Digital Transformation

Process Mining: Your Compass For Digital Transformation

Process automation is critical to digital transformation. It depends upon new software, and developers have better tools to meet that demand. The challenge: which processes to automate? Most application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals don't understand their own processes, and they can't articulate them, either. Read this report to understand how to leverage process mining to discover and prioritize automation efforts.

शनिवार, 16 जनवरी 2021

Two Article Templates Guaranteed To Rank!

Two Article Templates Guaranteed To Rank!

There's a lot of interest in affiliate programs that pay out big commissions, and for good reason. Making a $1000 for each sale means you need just a few sales for a full time income. However, there aren't a lot of these big ticket items out there, and it really is a grind if you want to push the same product over and over again, hoping, praying for a single sale!